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Annaarrrrrt solo exhibition
2021.07.31 - 08.14
Venue | 藝術公寓 Artpartment
我在 2020 的七月底辦了一場展覽。除了是實現一直以來的夢想外,也是為了給這365天一個好的結尾。來了好多好多的朋友,一遍又一遍說著介紹台詞,這365天來所有被我藏在圓裡面的話語,一次被我講了出來,終於被轉化爲能夠與人溝通的語句。我想這已經是最好的結局了吧!
I had an exhibition at the end of July 2020. This exhibition not only realized my dream, but it also gave it a good ending. A lot of friends came, and I introduced to each of them over and over again. All the messages that I used to hide in circles in the past 365 days were out there and finally transformed into words that can really communicate with others. I think this is already the best result!
Photo record by yunfilming

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